In case you want to return HUDWAY Glass bought at, you are free to do so for any reason in its original condition and original packaging within 30 days of purchase.
You will be responsible for the shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. Email us at to get full shipping instructions.
Please note that you will need to:
- include a proof of purchase with your return,
- mail it to us with the tracking option.
Failure to do so may delay or hinder issuance of the refund. You can choose any carrier to ship your package to us, as long as it gives a tracking number to track your shipment.
Once you send the product, please email us its tracking number to We'll process your case within 15 business days from receipt of the package and will notify you by email once we issued the refund.
Note: HUDWAY Glass purchased at retail or online stores must be returned where you purchased it. Return policies may vary. Restocking fees may apply. Contact dealers directly for their return policy information.
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