Since 2017, we've been using DHL to ship international orders from our EU warehouse. Apart from providing fast and reliable shipping services, DHL offers a greater convenience to our customers by keeping them timely informed on the status of their orders.
To ensure faster customs clearance services in Brazil, DHL requires that all the recipients of the imported goods provide supplementary documentation. And we, as the seller and shipper of the goods need to conform with these.
Namely, we have to request the importer’s Tax ID number. If you're an individual purchaser, you're to provide us with CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física - Brazil Social Security, an individual tax ID number) or if you're a company – CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica - Brazil Corporate Tax ID, a company tax ID number).
Important: Lack of Tax ID number can result in customs clearance delays and/or shipment returned to origin.
Please also note that the import fees in Brazil may be significant. According to the information provided by DHL, these include:
- Import duty: 60% of the shipment’s value
- ICMS tax: (a state value-added tax on services and circulation of goods) average of 18%
Please learn more details in this document.
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